

This non-invasive, drug-free treatment can improve symptoms of a wide range of neurological conditions

Much like a fingerprint, each person’s brain is unique to them. So, to give you a better idea of how MeRT works on your brain, we would like to explain our treatment overview.

Your brain’s electrical activity, brain waves, and thought patterns are unlike anyone else’s. In fact, your brain has approximately 100 billion neurons, which control brain function through brainwaves. However, if internal or external forces disrupt normal brain activity, it may become difficult to think clearly or function normally. And while other procedures exist to treat brain issues, what makes the MeRT process unique—and revolutionary—is that we customize the treatment for you. 

What is MeRT?

MeRT (Magnetic e-resonance Therapy) is an exciting technology that is non-invasive, non-surgical, and drug-free. This emerging technology aims to improve brain function and communication. The equipment used in MeRT is FDA-cleared to treat Major Depressive Disorder and OCD and is used off-label to treat a wide variety of conditions.

Specifically, MeRT reprograms abnormal electrical signals in the brain to change behavior. The treatment uses brainwave analysis to isolate specific areas of the brain not functioning properly. Once identified, we employ specialized equipment to gently stimulate and rebalance the affected areas.

To explain in more technical terms, MeRT uses a qEEG, or “brain mapping.” This is a diagnostic study that measures electrical signals in the brain. These study results show where the brain may not be communicating well and thus allow us to create a precise treatment protocol for each patient. Then, the treatment involves the use of magnets placed against the patient’s scalp that, over time, can reorganize the functions of neurons in the brain.

What is the difference between MeRT and rTMS?

rTMS (repetitive transcranial magnetic stimulation) is a non-invasive therapy that uses pulsed magnetic fields to change brain activity. However, what distinguishes MeRT from rTMS is that the latter delivers stimulation to one area of the brain at a fixed frequency. And while rTMs is a key part of our treatment, we take a highly individualized approach as to frequency and location after thorough testing and evaluation. As a result, this customized, scientific approach is unique to each person.

Steps We Follow:

While this condition is progressive, it is possible to see improvements in symptoms and delay progression.

1. Evaluation

First, we will perform a quantitative electroencephalogram (q-EEG) and an electrocardiogram (EKG). These tests measure brain wave frequencies, heart rate, and brain-heart coherence to determine the current state and functioning of the brain. The qEEG allows us to create a brain “map” that identifies patterns of dysfunction consistent with various disorders of the brain, such as brain injury, emotional disorders, learning problems, behavioral issues, and more.

2. Analysis & Protocol

Then, after we complete the testing, we use a scientific and patented approach with the data gathered to develop a tailored treatment plan for each patient. The goal is to restore function and brain communication.

3. MeRT Therapy

Once we have the analysis and protocol, your therapy will begin. During this time, you will simply sit in a comfortable chair while a trained technician carefully positions a magnetic device on your head, which induces mild currents in targeted regions of the brain. It’s important to note that you will feel no pain, just a slight sensation.

The technician will apply the stimulation for six to eight seconds per minute, during which time you will have your eyes closed. And a typical appointment lasts 45 minutes, 30 of which involve stimulation.

4. Progress Evaluation

Your assessment period will last for two weeks. After this, we will take another qEEG and EKG. At this time, we can check your progress and make any needed modifications. Indeed, we are always taking the best and most exacting approach with your treatment, based on the current state of your brain.

Common Benefits Experienced*

*Results and improvements are based on active and strict observation of our regimens. Results may vary based on the individual user and are not guaranteed.

Mini-Documentary about MeRT Treatment

MeRT Treatment Featured on Dr. Mark Hyman’s “Broken Brain” Podcast

The famous podcast, “The Broken Brain,” promoted by Dr. Mark Hyman, featured MeRT for treatment of PTSD, Concussions, and Traumatic Brain Injuries (TBI). Dr. Erik Won (president of Wave Neuroscience) spoke about using MeRT to treat military veterans with these issues — and he shared some incredible successes. This treatment is a breakthrough for military members and veterans, as so many complications can occur after experiencing such a high-stress and often traumatic environment. We highly recommend you watch this incredible presentation.

MeRT Treatment for Autism Featured on “The Doctors” TV Show

MeRT was featured on The Doctors TV Show as a new treatment for Autism, which you can see here.

Contact Our New Patient
Coordinator for more Information

It’s normal for patients and their families affected by brain disorders to feel uncertain about treatment options and what is best. MeRT is a treatment protocol that has helped patients restore their brain function, reclaim their lives, and get a whole new lease on life.

Our goal is to help guide you through the process so that you can make an informed decision about whether or not MeRT is the right treatment for you or your child. Our clinicians and technicians are passionate about helping you to heal.

Our New Patient Coordinator is available to answer any questions that you may have about how MeRT can help you specifically. She’ll take the time to listen to your concerns and put your mind at ease. She can also assist in getting you scheduled with the clinic should you decide to move forward with treatment.

Call Our New Patient Coordinator to Learn More

(949) 418-1108

Or fill out the Contact Form below and we will contact you. 

Contact Us

For more information or to book a Consultation.

  • Absolute Contraindications

    Absolute contraindications for cortical MeRT treatment: Pacemaker, Defibrillator, Vagal Nerve Stimulator, VP Shunt/ Magnetic intracranial shunts, Deep Brain Stimulator, Epidural Cortical stimulator, Steel shunts/stents, Cranial metal fragments (i.e. shrapnel, excluding titanium), Cochlear implant, Aneurysm clips, coils, pipelines flow diversion, Pregnant or breastfeeding, Primary brain cancer / metastatic lesions in brain (unless palliative care), Magnetic dental implants, Implanted cardio-verter defibrillators (ICD), Ocular implants.
  • Relative Contraindications

    Relative contraindications require closer protocol attention and may or may not disqualify someone from receiving cortical MeRT treatment, depending on the doctor’s discretion and the person’s individual condition. These include: History of Seizure or seizure disorder, Titanium shunts/stents, Spinal Cord Stimulator, Hearing aids, Ferrous cortical implants, Magnetic ink tattoo, Bipolar Disorder Type I/II, Baha Implant.