Treatment for a Traumatic Brain Injury (TBI),
Concussion, or Head Injuries

MeRT as an effective treatment for Head Injuries

An Emerging Treatment for a Traumatic Brain Injury or Concussion is getting Incredible Results

A Traumatic Brain Injury or Concussion can occur in varying severity and can cause short and long-term effects, both mental and physical. Our Treatment is a non-invasive, drug-free treatment called MeRT®, which stands for Magnetic e-Resonance Therapy.

Traumatic brain injuries are common in athletes who participate in contact sports such as football, and experience multiple “head hits.” These hits affect the brain, and over time, the damage becomes cumulative, resulting in post-concussive disorder. Members of the military are also commonly affected too. Traumatic brain injury for these folks can occur by direct hits or injuries to the head, but also by repeated exposures to the forces of “blast injuries.”

The CDC (Centers for Disease Control) defines a traumatic brain injury (TBI) as:

A blow to the head or a penetrating head injury that disrupts the normal function of the brain. TBI can result when the head suddenly and violently hits an object or when an object pierces the skull and enters brain tissue. An injury can also occur without a direct blow to the head, such as in an auto accident where the forces cause the head to move violently in one direction and then snap back in another direction. This causes the brain to be jostled around inside the skull and can also injure the brain.

Suffering a closed head injury can produce symptoms that range from mild to severe, based on the degree of damage that was done to the brain. While it’s possible for a person to experience a TBI to not have a loss of consciousness, in moderate to severe cases, LOC does usually happen. More severe cases of traumatic brain injuries often can result in coma or even death.”

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Sometimes a traumatic brain injury can cause brain swelling, hematoma (blood clot), or bleeding within the brain which can be life-threatening. A person who has suffered a traumatic brain injury or concussion of any kind should be taken to the emergency room as soon as possible, even if loss of consciousness is not experienced. Early intervention is crucial to help avoid complications and to avoid the injury worsening.

The Effects of Head Injuries

Those who have suffered a traumatic brain injury will often need other therapies to assist with regaining memory, learning skills, coordination, physical function, speech, and coping mechanisms. This is because brain injuries are complex and can affect many aspects of a person’s life, including their emotions and the ability to think clearly. In fact, some people cannot work again or complete day-to-day activities.

Depending on the severity of your injury, symptoms can include:

  • Loss of consciousness
  • Headaches
  • Fatigue or lethargy
  • Dilated pupils and vision changes
  • Dizziness
  • Memory problems
  • Confusion
  • Cognitive decline
  • Inappropriate emotional responses
  • Anger
  • Depression
  • Feeling of isolation
  • PTSD (post-traumatic stress disorder)
  • Anxiety or panic attacks
  • Facial weakness
  • Weakness or loss of function in other parts of the body
  • Loss of bladder or bowel control
  • Breathing problems
  • Numbness and tingling in different parts of the body
  • Loss of hearing or tinnitus

There are people who are at higher risk for brain injuries including athletes, active military, the elderly (because they are at higher risk for falls), and children and teenagers who are involved in physical-type activities.

Long-Term Effects of Traumatic Brain Injuries and Concussions

Treatment is important. A Traumatic Brain Injury if untreated can lead to shortened life span and significant complications. According to the Journal of Neurotrauma:

“Traumatic Brain Injury (TBI) produces both acute and more chronic consequences that lead to permanent disabilities that increase long-term mortality and reduced life expectation.”

The Journal goes on to explain that untreated TBI can result in various secondary pathological conditions, including seizures, sleep disorders, neurodegenerative diseases, endocrine dysregulation, and psychiatric problems.

Tait Fletcher, Actor and Stunt Performer, Discusses the difference that MeRT made in his life after he suffered multiple Concussions

I’d just always ‘outworked’ it. After the last concussion, that wasn’t an option, even though I had previously walked off a dozen concussions. It’s vital to know that not all TBIs result in massive concussions, but they all add to the erosion of the mind and self, if untreated.

For now, I want to ring the bell for Spencer and Fred and the whole crew at Brain Treatment Center Newport Beach. Through EEG, MeRT, and some subtle sleep and attention shifts, I’ve had a radical, nourishing, strengthening, and dare I say, “healing,” that has brought me to see life through a filter I’ve never known was available.

Giving life a chance is sometimes just staying in “the Try.” If you are damaged, confused, and at the end, know that you have allies that you’ve never met before.” – Tait F.

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MeRT’s Effectiveness in the after-effects of TBIs and Concussions:
Independent Research Studies

MeRT for TBI/Concussions is based on years of independent, published research studies. Targeted rTMS (repetitive transcranial magnetic stimulation) is a key element of our MeRT treatment for head injuries. Here are some of the many studies showing the effectiveness of rTMS:

The use of repetitive transcranial magnetic stimulation (rTMS) following traumatic brain injury (TBI): A scoping review:  “Evidence suggests that rTMS has the potential to be an efficacious therapeutic intervention for multiple symptoms after TBI, including depression, dizziness, central pain, and visual neglect. “

Neuromodulatory Interventions for Traumatic Brain Injury:   In this special issue of the Journal of Head Trauma Rehabilitation, we share with readers some of the latest advancements in neuromodulation specific to TBI, while providing the framework to further our understanding of how and why functional skills are likely improved. While neuromodulatory interventions can play a critical role in functional recovery for those with TBI, the heterogenous nature of TBI means that clinical implementation of neuromodulation will require understanding, at the individual and group levels, of how, when, and where to alter brain activity to support sustained recovery of sensory and higher order functions. 

The role of transcranial magnetic stimulation in treating depression after traumatic brain injury:  “This study suggests that rTMS is a potential treatment option for depression following TBI. Both 15 to 16 session and 30 to 38 session cohorts showed significant decreases in depression as measured by PHQ-9 following rTMS treatment. These findings support the use of rTMS in post-concussion depression treatment and highlight the need for more research on rTMS therapy following TBI.

Randomized trial of rTMS in traumatic brain injury: improved subjective neurobehavioral symptoms and increases in EEG delta activity:  “Subjective measures of depression, sleep dysfunction, post-concussive symptoms (PCS), and executive function showed significant improvement with stimulation, retaining improved levels at two-week follow-up. EEG delta power exhibited elevation one week after stimulation cessation.”

Neural mechanisms of emotional health in traumatic brain injury patients undergoing rTMS treatment:  “Our findings uncover the neural mechanisms underlying the improvement in emotional well-being in TBI due to application of neuromodulation. The main effect of rTMS is to reduce emotional disorders and hence consequently it may improve cognitive and executive functions.”

Low frequency transcranial magnetic stimulation for cognitive recovery after traumatic brain injury: A case report:  “Our results are consistent with studies showing improved cognitive functioning in TBI following a unilateral or bilateral rTMS protocol that used low frequency rTMS over the right DLPFC. Therefore, this stimulation site may be promising for improving cognitive recovery in TBI, especially when combined with cognitive rehabilitation.”

Repetitive Transcranial Magnetic Stimulation for Treatment of Depression in a Patient With Severe Traumatic Brain Injury:

“Case Report: A 37-year-old male with history of anxiety and bipolar depression incurred a TBI after a 60-foot fall. After his physical recovery, the patient had refractory depression. Eight months after the TBI event, he underwent a 6-week course of rTMS treatment and had a 70.8% improvement in mood symptoms by the end of the therapy as indicated by the Patient Health Questionnaire-9, transitioning from severe to mild depression according to the scoring system. Clinical correlation during the months following conclusion of rTMS therapy showed no signs of remission or adverse side effects. The patient remains stable and lives independently 1 year after treatment with mood-stabilizing medications.

“Conclusion: This case provides evidence for successful treatment of refractory depressive symptoms after severe TBI with the addition of rTMS to psychotherapy and mood-stabilizing medications, supporting the safety and tolerability of this novel therapeutic approach. Further studies are needed to validate the contribution of rTMS for management of mood symptoms in patients with TBI.”

MeRT for Head Injuries Testimonials

I did six weeks of therapy and the Brain Treatment Center. I started therapy with anxiety and depression due to traumatic brain injury. After two weeks I did not feel any better but after the third week it felt like a weight was lifted off my shoulders. I started to have ah-ha moments but it was about things I already knew. The therapy allowed me to clear my brain and concentrate on things. I was no longer spiraling about things that really didn’t matter but seemed real at the time.  Thank you BTC team. Thank you for my life back.”

I’m back!  My TBI turned me into someone I barely recognized.  I was depressed, mean, and short-tempered.  Having to push through life filled with frustration and a deep sense of sadness that this was it.  I just had to keep pushing through life with an overwhelming tiredness.  I’m so glad I was wrong.  I think my direct reports and family are even more thankful.  This treatment changed everything, and I am forever thankful.” 

Jason O. explains How MeRT Helped Him to Get His Life Back After Suffering a Traumatic Brain Injury

Nick Hardwick, Retired NFL Center, for the Chargers describes what he experienced after MeRT for TBIs.

The MeRT Process

MeRT evolved from a technology called rTMS (repetitive Transcranial Magnetic Stimulation). However, MeRT is much more customized for each patient based on their brain scans and symptoms.

Studies have shown altered brain wave oscillations in patients suffering from conditions such as Major Depression Disorder (MDD), Autism, Traumatic Brain Injury (TBI), Post-Traumatic Stress Disorder (PTSD), Anxiety, and more. The MeRT treatment protocol uses a magnetic field to balance and stimulate brain function.

Read these simple 5-Steps…

  • Talk with our New Patient Coordinator
  • Initial Analysis
  • Assessment Period
  • Full Treatment Program
  • Final Testing
Talk with our New Patient Coordinator

Our New Patient Coordinator is here to help

Call us and talk with our New Patient Coordinator. She will take the time to answer any questions you have as explain things. You can discuss your specific circumstances and she can explain how it all works.

This consultation is free of charge and there are no obligations to move forward with any further steps.

If you would like to take the next steps to see if you or your loved one may benefit from MeRT, she can schedule a qEEG (brain scan) and a consultation to discuss the results with our clinician. 

Call (949) 868-0006

Initial Analysis

The qEEG and Consultation

If you are interested in seeing if MeRT treatment is right for you, we will initially schedule two appointments, both of which last about 45 minutes.

For the initial analysis, you will come in for a comprehensive testing appointment. We will gather your new patient paperwork, and then our chief neuro technician will perform a qEEG and EKG to enable us to identify any dysfunction or communication problems in your brain. Should you decide to proceed with treatment, we will schedule your assessment period.

If you are not yet ready to commit to going through an assessment period of treatment or prefer your qEEG and consultation done to ensure you are a candidate for treatment, we also offer the option of coming in for a qEEG/EKG and consultation with our clinician to see your results before proceeding with the assessment period. 

Your second appointment is also 45 minutes. During this time, you will meet with one of our clinicians, Kayleigh Prowse or Sheila Stephens, for your consultation. She will discuss your qEEG results, answer any questions you may have and discuss your applicable treatment plan. Dr. Julie Kim, our Medical Director, oversees all treatment for each patient. 

Assessment Period

Two Weeks of MeRT followed by new testing

The assessment period of treatment lasts two weeks. This assessment period will help you — and us — determine how you are responding to treatment. 

You will have your initial qEEG/EKG and then attend treatment sessions for two weeks. The first week will be Monday through Friday, and the second week, Monday through Thursday, nine sessions in total, followed by a repeat qEEG to determine progress and note any changes occurring in your brain. 

A typical treatment session takes about 45 minutes. You will sit in a chair while the neuro-technician administers the treatment near the scalp via a hand-held magnet. We deliver gentle magnetic impulses for six to eight seconds each minute. You may feel a slight sensation while the treatment is occurring, but it is not painful or uncomfortable.

Full Treatment Program

Continuing Treatment

Once the assessment period is complete, we will schedule the subsequent two-week treatment periods. Because each treatment period lasts for two weeks, you must be able to stay in Newport Beach or the surrounding area.

The comparison between the initial and second qEEG/clinical evaluation will often show if you are responding. You may also start to experience changes in the way you are feeling during this time. For some, it takes longer before changes are more obvious. We highly advise a total of six to eight weeks of treatment (which includes the assessment period) for optimal and long-lasting results. 

Since each brain is unique, the protocol will be different for each patient as it is based on specific qEEG/EKG data from your brain, and the specific condition being treated. Generally, the results of treatment can last a lifetime, though some people prefer occasional follow-up treatment as needed. But each person is different, and protocols may vary. Your provider will have regularly scheduled follow-up EEGs and meet with you to gauge your progress.

Final Testing

Review of Changes and Improvements

An additional qEEG is performed at the end of treatment to assess and take stock of the benefits and improvements that have occurred as a result of the full treatment protocol. 

Please note that results and improvements are based on active and strict observation of our regimens. Results may vary based on the individual users and are not guaranteed. Plus, the results of therapy can vary per individual. In general, the longer the length of MeRT therapy, the longer the changes remain.

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We are proud to service our uniformed Service Members and their Families.

Brain Treatment Center of Newport Beach offers MeRT – a highly customized use of FDA-Approved TMS Therapy — to treat Service Members, Veterans, and their Families, who suffer from depression and other conditions combined with depression.
We are now In-Network and contracted with TRICARE Insurance to provide the highest quality mental health treatment services available.

More Testimonials

“I’m two or three months past my last treatment, and I can honestly say my brain is in a better place than it was before. The emotional highs and lows I was living with have been stabilized. My cognition took off during that period and it hasn’t slowed down since.” 

“Everything changed when I started treatment. Within two weeks, I was sleeping better. I was off all 12 of the meds I was on when I began treatment, and I was starting to enjoy life again.  After the first month, I was socializing with people again, I was able to work out for the first time in years, and I started to help my wife with the bills and our budget. As I write this, I just completed my sixth week of treatment. A conservative estimate is that I have had a 60–70% reduction of the symptoms I listed above and have a whole new lease on life.”

“I was offered the opportunity to get MeRT to help with the effects of the TBI’s I had endured over the 21 yrs of Military Service. I am absolutely glad I did so. I felt the positive effects of the treatment in the first 3 days. I had irritability issues and sleeping issues among other things. I started sleeping through the night on day 3. And not just sleeping but sleeping hard and dreaming. So I know I was in R.E.M sleep. It has helped me focus, feel more energetic, less irritable, more caring to others and helped with joint pain and tinnitus.”

“In the ensuing months after the concussion, I just wasn’t myself… My academics began to suffer as well. I didn’t feel right.  My EEG showed me that something had physically changed with how my brain functioned.  After three days of treatment, I felt substantially better.  After two weeks, I felt like I did before my injury.  MeRT was life changing.” 

Contact Our New Patient
Coordinator for more Information

It’s normal for patients and their families affected by brain disorders to feel uncertain about treatment options and what is best. MeRT is a treatment protocol that has helped patients restore their brain function, reclaim their lives, and get a whole new lease on life.

Our goal is to help guide you through the process so that you can make an informed decision about whether or not MeRT is the right treatment for you or your child. Our clinicians and technicians are passionate about helping you to heal.

Our New Patient Coordinator is available to answer any questions that you may have about how MeRT can help you specifically. She’ll take the time to listen to your concerns and put your mind at ease. She can also assist in getting you scheduled with the clinic should you decide to move forward with treatment.

Call Our New Patient Coordinator to Learn More

(949) 418-1108

Or fill out the Contact Form below and we will contact you. 

Contact Us

For more information or to book a Consultation.

  • Absolute Contraindications

    Absolute contraindications for cortical MeRT treatment: Pacemaker, Defibrillator, Vagal Nerve Stimulator, VP Shunt/ Magnetic intracranial shunts, Deep Brain Stimulator, Epidural Cortical stimulator, Steel shunts/stents, Cranial metal fragments (i.e. shrapnel, excluding titanium), Cochlear implant, Aneurysm clips, coils, pipelines flow diversion, Pregnant or breastfeeding, Primary brain cancer / metastatic lesions in brain (unless palliative care), Magnetic dental implants, Implanted cardio-verter defibrillators (ICD), Ocular implants.
  • Relative Contraindications

    Relative contraindications require closer protocol attention and may or may not disqualify someone from receiving cortical MeRT treatment, depending on the doctor’s discretion and the person’s individual condition. These include: History of Seizure or seizure disorder, Titanium shunts/stents, Spinal Cord Stimulator, Hearing aids, Ferrous cortical implants, Magnetic ink tattoo, Bipolar Disorder Type I/II, Baha Implant.