881 West Baker Street Costa Mesa, CAPhone: (714) 241-8800Amenities: Complimentary breakfast and dinner, WiFi, pool, gym, pet friendly
2600 Redhill Ave. Santa Ana, CAPhone: (949) 250-0404Amenities: Kitchen and complimentary coffee
1400 Bristol St. Costa Mesa, CAPhone: (714) 557-8700Amenities: Complimentary breakfast and shuttle to BTC
2120 Main St., Irvine, CAPhone: (949) 553-8332Amenities: complimentary breakfast, shuttle to BTC
18700 MacArthur Blvd., Irvine, CAPhone: (949) 833-2770Amenities: Shuttle to BTC, two pools
Furnished homes/apartmentsRates vary by location, season, # of rooms requested
4881 Birch Street, Newport Beach, CA 92660Phone (949) 851-2711Amenities: Kitchen and complimentary shuttle to BTC, free WiFi
1107 Jamboree Road, Newport Beach, CA 92660Phone (949) 729-1234Amenities: Pool, suites, villas, and free WIFI