How MeRT Treatment for Autism Can Help Other Therapies Work Better

Autism Spectrum Disorder is individual in nature. Each person on this vast spectrum has a distinct set of strengths and challenges.

Per the National Institutes of Health“Many people with ASD benefit from treatment, no matter how old they are when they are diagnosed. People of all ages, at all levels of ability, can often improve after well-designed interventions.

“There is currently no one standard treatment for autism spectrum disorder (ASD).

“But there are many ways to help minimize the symptoms and maximize abilities. People who have ASD have the best chance of using all of their abilities and skills if they receive appropriate therapies and interventions.”

And that’s the point: minimizing symptoms and maximizing abilities.

Standard therapies, including ABA, speech therapy, Occupational Therapy, Physical Therapy, and Cognitive Behavioral Therapy, are all used to treat some behaviors associated with autism. These are all effective therapies. Medicine is also used to help with specific symptoms.

These therapies are all diagnosis-based, meaning you diagnose a cluster of symptoms and treat that diagnosis with either therapy, education, medication, or a combination of these.

MeRT is a different approach to thinking about ASD symptoms. Instead of diagnosing specific symptoms, we look at the brain to find areas of disruption that could be causing those symptoms. Then, we target those areas to see if we can change the way the brain is firing and responding.

By doing this, the brain can function better, and as a result, a person on the spectrum can not only see improvement in a variety of behaviors, but they can also get better results from other forms of therapy.

Understanding MeRT Treatment for Autism

MeRT, or Magnetic e-Resonance Therapy, is a non-invasive treatment that uses magnetic fields to influence brain activity. It’s drug-free, painless, and long-lasting. This emerging technology aims to improve brain function and communication. The equipment used in MeRT is FDA-cleared to treat Major Depressive Disorder and OCD and is used off-label to treat a wide variety of conditions.

MeRT targets specific areas of the brain associated with autism-related challenges. By normalizing brainwave patterns, the therapy aims to improve communication, behavior, and cognitive functions.

The brain has four distinct types of brainwaves:

  • Delta – the slowest brain activity pattern, most seen in deep sleep
  • Theta – between our awake and sleep state, where you find relaxation, meditation, and creativity
  • Alpha – this is a resting, awake state, most typically with eyes closed
  • Beta – a state of focus, cognitive thinking, problem-solving

MeRT treatment focuses on the alpha brainwave state, as this is the frequency where the brain is most comfortable.

First, we analyze the brain’s electrical activity with a qEEG, also called brain mapping. The qEEG identifies any disruptions in the brainwave frequency that may cause ASD symptoms. 

Once we have the qEEG data, we create a personalized treatment protocol for each patient. We deliver TMS (transcranial magnetic stimulation) at the precise amplitude, location, and frequency of magnetic pulses to the exact areas that need it.

Correcting these brain disruptions achieves what’s called “global synchrony,” which improves brain communication and functioning.

In essence, we’re using magnetic energy to “nudge” the mismatched neurons back into the desired alpha frequency—where the rest of the brain is operating.

Symptoms improve gradually once the alpha waves are synchronized. After 4-6 weeks, changes are more durable. However, treatment varies from patient to patient, based on the EEG results and clinical improvements.

Learn more about MeRT treatment for autism here.

Visible Results from MeRT Treatment for Autism

These graphs represent alpha brainwave activity in the front, middle, and back of the brain.

In the first image, on the left-hand side, you can see the expected alpha brainwave operation in each of these brain areas.

On the right, you can clearly see areas of the brain not developing this alpha rhythm, particularly in the front of the brain.

This is a common brainwave pattern of someone with autism.

In this series of graphs, you can see the results of MeRT treatment after just a few weeks, with improvements in the alpha wave activity.

These improvements show up as changes in behavior.

Parents report better sleep, improved eye contact, comprehension, listening, social awareness, and communication.

How MeRT Can Help Other ASD Therapies Work More Effectively

As MeRT treatment focuses on improving brain function and communication, it can be a key element in making other therapies work better.

Traditional autism therapies include:

  1. Behavioral Therapy: Such as Applied Behavior Analysis (ABA), focuses on improving specific behaviors and skills.
  2. Speech and Language Therapy: Aims to enhance communication abilities.
  3. Occupational Therapy: Helps in developing daily living and motor skills.
  4. Sensory Integration Therapy: Addresses sensory sensitivities and challenges.

MeRT may help these therapies work better in a variety of ways:

  • Behavioral Therapy and MeRT: MeRT can improve brain function, which may improve the effectiveness of behavioral therapies by increasing learning and adaptability.
  • Speech Therapy Synergy: Improved brain function from MeRT could aid in developing communication skills, complementing speech therapy efforts.
  • Occupational Therapy: MeRT may improve motor skills and coordination, aiding in daily functioning tasks.
  • Sensory Integration: There’s potential for MeRT to reduce sensory sensitivities, making sensory integration therapy more effective.

Additionally, if your child is taking medications to treat certain ASD-related symptoms, they can continue on these medications while undergoing MeRT treatment.

Benefits Reported from MeRT Treatment for Autism

Patients have seen improvements in:

Our goal is to optimize brain wave function so we can give patients with ASD the ability to reach their full potential.

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  • Absolute Contraindications

    Absolute contraindications for cortical MeRT treatment: Pacemaker, Defibrillator, Vagal Nerve Stimulator, VP Shunt/ Magnetic intracranial shunts, Deep Brain Stimulator, Epidural Cortical stimulator, Steel shunts/stents, Cranial metal fragments (i.e. shrapnel, excluding titanium), Cochlear implant, Aneurysm clips, coils, pipelines flow diversion, Pregnant or breastfeeding, Primary brain cancer / metastatic lesions in brain (unless palliative care), Magnetic dental implants, Implanted cardio-verter defibrillators (ICD), Ocular implants.
  • Relative Contraindications

    Relative contraindications require closer protocol attention and may or may not disqualify someone from receiving cortical MeRT treatment, depending on the doctor’s discretion and the person’s individual condition. These include: History of Seizure or seizure disorder, Titanium shunts/stents, Spinal Cord Stimulator, Hearing aids, Ferrous cortical implants, Magnetic ink tattoo, Bipolar Disorder Type I/II, Baha Implant.