Attention Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder (ADHD)
A Non-invasive and Drug-Free Treatment for ADHD is Now Available at The Brain Treatment Center Newport Beach

An Alternative Treatment for ADHD

ADHD involves a combination of problems, such as hyperactivity, impulsive behavior, and difficulty paying attention. This condition can make it hard to focus or concentrate, resulting in learning problems, poor school performance, relationship troubles, and low self-esteem.
MeRT®, which stands for Magnetic e-Resonance Therapy, uses a magnetic field to stimulate and balance brain function, guided by sophisticated imaging and diagnostics. It is completely non-invasive and drug-free and has been used successfully to help ease the symptoms of ADHD.
Conditions that can often accompany ADHD include:
- Not paying attention to details
- Difficulty focusing
- Not listening to others
- Hyperactivity and inability to be still
- Lack of follow-through on schoolwork, chores, or other tasks
- No interest in things that require focus
- Easily distracted
- Forgetfulness
- Being fidgety or squirmy
- Talking too much
- Interrupting others who are talking or engaged in other activities
- Impatience
- Difficulty learning because of poor attention span
Currently, the cause of ADHD is not known, but research is ongoing. Genetics may be involved and problems with the central nervous system can also contribute.
Preliminary research has shown that there is a link between gut health and ADHD. Additionally, some studies show that certain food preservatives or dyes can also contribute to attention disorders in children.

Conventional Treatment for ADHD
Doctors commonly prescribe a variety of medications to treat ADHD. These seem to balance levels of some neurotransmitters in the brain. While these drugs do not cure ADHD, they can help to ease and manage the symptoms. Additionally, some non-stimulant antidepressants may be prescribed. However, these drugs work more slowly and also come with the risk of suicidal thinking.
Behavioral therapies for people with ADHD can also help, such as social skills training, psychotherapy, and behavioral therapy.
What is MeRT
Here at the Brain Treatment Center in Newport Beach, we offer MeRT for ADHD. This is a unique version of TMS (Transcranial Magnetic Stimulation), with a far more individualized approach to brain modulation. We tailor treatment to the patient’s needs based on frequency, location, and power used. TMS modulates the brain’s electrical activity by using magnetic fields that pass through the scalp from an electromagnetic coil. This process is non-invasive and painless. Research studies and patients show that this type of treatment is promising for ADHD.*
Most TMS treatments deliver stimulation to one area of the brain at a fixed frequency for all patients. MeRT, however, is more evolved. We carefully analyze a patient’s initial testing as to the brain’s pattern of function and activity. We then use this information to devise a highly personalized protocol for each patient, with the purpose of encouraging improved brain communication. Patients have indicated that they have experienced significant clinical improvements.*
Treatment for ADHD usually lasts four to eight weeks. Appointments are 30 to 45 minutes long, Monday through Friday. Generally, the patient will begin to notice improvements during the first week. Once we complete treatment, there is usually no need for follow-up treatment for ADHD.*
MeRT is an emerging technology that aims to improve brain function and communication. The equipment used is FDA-cleared to treat Major Depressive Disorder and OCD and is used off-label to treat a variety of other conditions, including ADHD.

The MeRT Process
MeRT evolved from a technology called rTMS (repetitive Transcranial Magnetic Stimulation). However, MeRT is much more customized for each patient based on their brain scans and symptoms.
Studies have shown altered brain wave oscillations in patients suffering from conditions such as Major Depression Disorder (MDD), Autism, Traumatic Brain Injury (TBI), Post-Traumatic Stress Disorder (PTSD), Anxiety, and more. The MeRT treatment protocol uses a magnetic field to balance and stimulate brain function.
Click through these simple 5-Steps in the horizontal menu below…
- Talk with our New Patient Coordinator
- Initial Analysis
- Assessment Period
- Full Treatment Program
- Final Testing

Our New Patient Coordinator is here to help
Call us and talk with our New Patient Coordinator. She will take the time to answer any questions you have as explain things. You can discuss your specific circumstances and she can explain how it all works.
This consultation is free of charge and there are no obligations to move forward with any further steps.
If you would like to take the next steps to see if you or your loved one may benefit from MeRT, she can schedule a qEEG (brain scan) and a consultation to discuss the results with our clinician.
Call (949) 868-0006

The qEEG and Consultation
If you are interested in seeing if MeRT treatment is right for you, we will initially schedule two appointments, both of which last about 45 minutes.
This simply involves a qEEG (quantitative EEG or brain scan), followed by a consultation with our clinician a few days later to see your results before making any decisions about treatment or proceeding with anything further.
For the initial analysis, you will come in for a comprehensive testing appointment. We will gather your new patient paperwork, and then our chief neuro technician will perform a qEEG and EKG to enable us to identify any dysfunction or communication problems in your brain.
Your second appointment usually runs about 45 minutes. During this time, you will meet with one of our clinicians, Kayleigh Prowse or Sheila Stephens, for your consultation. She will discuss your qEEG results, answer any questions you may have and discuss your applicable treatment plan. Dr. Julie Kim, our Medical Director, oversees all treatment for each patient.
Should you decide to proceed with treatment, we will schedule your assessment period.

Two Weeks of MeRT followed by new testing
The assessment period of treatment lasts two weeks. This assessment period will help you — and us — determine how you are responding to treatment.
You will have your initial qEEG/EKG and then attend treatment sessions for two weeks. The first week will be Monday through Friday, and the second week, Monday through Thursday, nine sessions in total, followed by a repeat qEEG to determine progress and note any changes occurring in your brain.
A typical treatment session takes about 45 minutes. You will sit in a chair while the neuro-technician administers the treatment near the scalp via a hand-held magnet. We deliver gentle magnetic impulses for six to eight seconds each minute. You may feel a slight sensation while the treatment is occurring, but it is not painful or uncomfortable.

Continuing Treatment
Once the assessment period is complete, we will schedule the subsequent two-week treatment periods. Because each treatment period lasts for two weeks, you must be able to stay in Newport Beach or the surrounding area for each 2-week treatment period.
The comparison between the initial and second qEEG/clinical evaluation will often show if you are responding. You may also start to experience changes in the way you are feeling during this time. For some, it takes longer before changes are more obvious. We highly advise a total of six to eight weeks of treatment (which includes the assessment period) for optimal and long-lasting results.
Since each brain is unique, the protocol will be different for each patient as it is based on specific qEEG/EKG data from your brain, and the specific condition being treated. Generally, the results of treatment can last a lifetime, though some people prefer occasional follow-up treatment as needed. But each person is different, and protocols may vary. Your provider will have regularly scheduled follow-up EEGs and meet with you to gauge your progress.

Review of Changes and Improvements
An additional qEEG is performed at the end of treatment to assess and take stock of the benefits and improvements that have occurred as a result of the full treatment protocol.
Please note that results and improvements are based on active and strict observation of our regimens. Results may vary based on the individual users and are not guaranteed. Plus, the results of therapy can vary per individual. In general, the longer the length of MeRT therapy, the longer the changes remain.
Insurance Coverage

We are an in-network provider with TRICARE. If you have TRICARE insurance, it is possible that your policy may provide coverage, depending on your specific situation. Our New Patient Coordinator can discuss this with you in further detail.
For all other insurance, we are considered out of network and cannot file an insurance claim on your behalf. We can, however, provide you with the paperwork at the end of your treatment, which you can submit to your insurance company to see if they may provide you with any reimbursement. Please note that we do not take Medicare or Medicaid Insurance.
Currently, rTMS is FDA cleared for Depression and OCD (Obsessive Compulsive Disorder.) Treatment for all other conditions is considered “off-label.” However, for non-FDA-approved treatment, it is not likely that insurance will provide reimbursement for our protocols.
Some patients have reported that they have been able to receive some reimbursement for EEGs or clinical evaluations. But this depends on their health coverage. Medicare patients have reported that their coverage provides no reimbursement for MeRT.
We take all major credit cards, including Visa, MasterCard, American Express, and Discover.
Care Credit is also an option to help finance medical expenses. This is a separate company from The Brain Treatment Center Newport Beach. Care Credit is a credit card that can cover medical expenses and services. They typically offer zero-interest financing for 12 months.
Usually, when you go to the Care Credit website and apply, they will promptly let you know your approval status.

Contact Our New Patient
Coordinator for more Information

It’s normal for patients and their families affected by brain disorders to feel uncertain about treatment options and what is best. MeRT is a treatment protocol that has helped patients restore their brain function, reclaim their lives, and get a whole new lease on life.
Our goal is to help guide you through the process so that you can make an informed decision about whether or not MeRT is the right treatment for you or your child. Our clinicians and technicians are passionate about helping you to heal.
Our New Patient Coordinator is available to answer any questions that you may have about how MeRT can help you specifically. She’ll take the time to listen to your concerns and put your mind at ease. She can also assist in getting you scheduled with the clinic should you decide to move forward with treatment.
Call Our New Patient Coordinator to Learn More
(949) 418-1108
Or fill out the Contact Form below and we will contact you.
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For more information or to book a Consultation.