MeRT as an effective treatment for Anxiety
Treatment for Anxiety is now available at the Brain Treatment Center. It’s called MeRT® , which stands for Magnetic e-Resonance Therapy.
Simply stated, we use a magnetic field to stimulate and balance brain function, guided by sophisticated imaging and diagnostics. It is completely non-invasive and drug-free.
Just about everyone has experienced anxiety. It’s natural to be anxious in some situations, but for most people, feelings of anxiety come and go. For someone who has an anxiety disorder, however, feelings are more than just fleeting worries or a stressful day. Instead, feelings of anxiety can last for years and can even be severe enough to interfere with daily life.
MeRT®, which stands for Magnetic e-Resonance Therapy, is a non-invasive and drug-free treatment for anxiety. And MeRT treatment has helped thousands of people overcome this sometimes debilitating condition.
Chronic Anxiety can take its toll, and if prolonged, can cause multiple other issues.